Campanile RecordsMini ring design on a budget
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Whitacre Palace Campanile Records 2015 onwards
First Proper Tryout 2017
With enough ringers on site the bells got their first proper tryout as a ring in their new home August 5th 2017
Ringers present Alison Smedley, Rupert Smedley, Ian D Thompson, Quentin Howell, Helen Howell, Roger Lewiston
Ringers present Alison Smedley, Rupert Smedley, Ian D Thompson, Quentin Howell, Helen Howell, Roger Lewiston
Whitacre Campanile Records 2002 to 2015
Jubilee Tryout Weekend
A number of local ringers came and tried the bells out June 1st 2002
First Quarter Peal on Bells
Annual Mini Ringers Outing
A group visit on January 27th 2007
Tower Outing Visit
A group visit on February 2nd 2013
Visiting Band - Final Ringing
A group visit on April 18th 2015