We rang the bells on April 23rd at 6pm to celebrate St Georges day and to support the “Ringing for England” campaign run by Libby Alexander – a London-based Roman Catholic who wants people and organisations in England to publicly celebrate the England and St George. So if you heard the bells ringing on "The Archers" you will have heard us ring about an hour earlier. This is the first time we have done this and the feeling is it will not be the last.
A packed practice night saw the Coleshill band come and join us, to help them gain some further experience at plain hunting. We really were left with standing room only but at least for once everyone had some down time instead of ringing all evening! A busy but pleasant evening was had by all and we hope all enjoyed themselves.
After a long absence certainly over twenty years Over Whitacre finally has two bells both with stays. Finally able to squash rumours that the bells has one of each type it can confirmed that the fairly modern steel framed two bells have hastings stays. With thanks to Fillongley ringers who donated the missing toggle, the treble bell is once again complete. Steve, Maurice and Quentin spent about 3 hours making the donated stay fit the headstock and this has now been removed to be copied in ash. This will use the top of the recently broken tenor (heaviest bell) at Nether Whitacre as the Over Whitacre stay is small enough to be made from the top uncracked section of this stay. Surely a good example of reuse in action!
Recently the number of visitors to our website has risen and we hope that the viewers are finding what they need and are impressed. We are still looking for photographs to add to the history section. If anyone has a shot of the back of the church which shows the bell ringing chamber when it was downstairs prior to 2002, we would love to have a copy or to scan it for the website. It is remarkable how few interior photos of the rear of the church that can be found. If you have any of interest please either contact the webmaster through the website or see Hazel Fellows at church.
A news section has now been added to which viewers can subscribe and hear all our news when it happens. The two bells at Over Whitacre have been rung once this month for a funeral and the problem that one of the bells is missing a part called the stay, has come to our attention again. To this end a replacement stay with fittings has been acquired with thanks to the Fillongley ringers. This will be fitted when time and the daylight hours permit but will then mean, that both bells can be rung properly for the first time, in many years. This month we have continued to practice our Plain Bob minor ready for the planned special ringing of a quarter peal at Easter. With the weather gradually warming up, already the lighter nights make practice nights a more pleasant time, after the very chilly and dark winter evenings all bellringers have to endure. If you are thinking of trying out a new hobby why not come and join us. Do come up on a Thursday night and see what we do. If you like what you see, we will gladly give you a small taster as we always need new recruits. |
St Giles BellringersThe trials and tribulations of a small village bellringing band. Categories
December 2024