The Browning Society visited both Over Whitacre and Lea Marston churches today before travelling on to sample other three bell delights at nearby Wishaw and Middleton. The opportunity was taken to record the bells in their frame in action.
Good ringing tonight as we had no less than the Guild Master of St Martins Guild Simon Linford join us. We had a good time ringing a number methods and even taught our visitor a new one - Stedman quick six! Many thanks for joining us.
We had ringers visiting us today to ring our bells. They are a group of ringers from Berkswell so have not travelled too far to sample our good bells! It has been a long time since we had our own ringing outing but rumour has it there might be one in the offing soon.
A visiting peal band rang a peal today and then came and rang on the Whitacre Heath campanile. Full details are in the peal records section. The band rang a nice course of plain bob minor on the mini ring.
Today we had a visiting band attempting to ring a peal. This involved ringing 5040 changes without a break and usually takes about 2 hours 40 mins non stop. It is quite an achievement to ring a peal and this was the second attempt by this band to achieve a peal as the last attempt here in the Spring was lost after an error, rather too near the end for comfort! The details of the peal were as follows. 5040 Spliced Surprise Minor(1 extent each: Norwich S, Cambridge S, Beverley S, Surfleet S, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Plain Bob)
On Tues 8th November 2012 in 2 hours 48 minutes 1 R. Jean Nixon 2 Jim Nixon 3 Matthew D. Hardy 4 Clive M. Smith 5 Raymond H. Daw (c) 6 John F. Mulvey This was the 125th peal that Jean has completed.
A packed practice night saw the Coleshill band come and join us, to help them gain some further experience at plain hunting. We really were left with standing room only but at least for once everyone had some down time instead of ringing all evening! A busy but pleasant evening was had by all and we hope all enjoyed themselves.
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